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Working Titles: ZERO G / The Void Ahead / Turning Point
For quite some time earth listening posts recieved an obscure signal from the planet Meta. Since then the space commission spent it's money to build the manned Meta-Probe for the first interstellar flight to the new discovered planet. It was build in orbit of the moon and the calculated launch window got close, when a strange and deadly virus infection began to spread on Alpha.
When Commander John Koenig arrives from earth to assume command over Moonbase Alpha, they discover troubles with the nuclear waste disposal on the far side of the moon. Pilots who flew over that area got sick from radiation. When it becomes clear that the nuclear waste will detonate, it is too late to abandon the station. The explosion had the affect of a giant rocket propulsion and hurls the moon out of the earths orbit into space. The Alphans are on their own now and wonder what awaits them in the unknown. ![]() ![]()
Working Titles: The Siren Planet
A planet called Terra Nova (New Earth) is discovered, where they hope to settle down. To their surprise tho long time dead husband of Dr. Russel (Lee Russel) lives on that planet. He urges them not to land on Terra Nova but the desperate Alphans under Commander Koenig wont listen because Terra Nova seems to have everything to support human life.
After a short while the planet seems to reject the visitors like anit-bodies do to bacteria in the human body. Lee Russel explains that the planet is like antimatter to the living people from Alpha. He himself died on a Jupiter excursion years ago and found himself alive on this planet. For a moment the Alphans saw what will happen if they decide to settle here and got a glimpse at their own death. So they returned to their base which will be their home for a long time. ![]() ![]()
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With the discovery of a black sun, which is described like a black hole, the moon changes it's course toward the celestial object.
While some Alphans try to escape from the sun in an Eagle the others have little hope to escape destruction. Prof. Victor Bergman contructs an energy shield to protect the base on impact. But the command crew knows, that the shield has the only mean to calm the crew down who are afraid of dying. When they reach the Black Sun, they shift to another existence in time where they make contact with some kind of an entity which can be described as the body in which we all live. After a short conversation with it the moon exits the Black Sun on it's other side. And even the Eagle which also couldn't escape it's gravitation reappears on course to Alpha with the whole crew alife and well. ![]() ![]()
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A strange object appears in space and sends probe-rays to get control over Alpha personnel. When Helena Russel is under control of the alien object she begins to send detailed information over Alpha and the moon to the origin of the probe.
Koenig takes an Eagle and goes to the aleins where they discover that they come from a planet called Triton which is vanished from the star charts. When the Triton probe understands, that it's home does no longer exists it releases Dr. Russel and destoys itself. ![]() ![]()
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An alien spaceship lands on the moon. When boarding the ship, the Alphans discover humanoid people from the planet Kaldor in deep hibernation. As soon as they are awake they explain that the crew are the only survivors who managed to escape Kaldor's destruction. They also explain that they know the exact coordinates of Earth, which is their final destination. Since one of their people died by mistake, they offer a passage back home to Earth for one Alphan.
But Commissioner Simmons doesn't like the idea to stay on Alpha and threatens to kill everyone on the base if they don't let him go with the Kaldorians. Because he was so suspicious of the Kaldorian Commander he was closed up inside the small sleeping coffin without being properly prepared for the long journey. Instead of sleeping for years his sleep only lasted for hours. When he woke up again, he first believed to be in earth orbit but the realizen he's going to die a horrible death. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Working Titles:
A space phenomena created a parallel universe where another Earth still exists with it's moon in orbit. When the Alphans reached the planet their moon entered the orbit. But the joy about it was chastened when Regina Kesslan died and the Earths surface was destroyed by radiation. The other moon is faster and will soon collide with Alpha and a crashed Eagle there had the corpses of Koenig and Carter aboard.
On earth they find a settlement of the surviving Alphans from the twin moon. They had to move to earth in order to survive. Their Regina here has also died when the moon enterd orbit. After the dead of the twin Dr. Russel on earth they accept that they can't live here, because the will kill each other just by living on earth. So they decided to return to the moon and wait for the collision. But when that happened their own moon returned to it's own dimension with the Alphans unharmed. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Working Titles:
Raan was a scientist of his homeworld Zenno. As an anthropologist he studied the history of his race. But in all of his success he still needed to fill a large gap in his findings. When the moon reached the realm of his world he abducted the spirit of Commander Koenig to experiment on him. But John Koenig refuses to cooperate with him and instead fell in love with Raan's daughter Vana. Raan sees that he has no chance to use Koenig as a laboratory rat and opposes his daughter feelings for him.
Meanwhile Dr. Russel battles for Koenigs survival. But without his soul his body is about to die. Just before she decided to disconnect the medical unit, Raan abducted Sandra to have her to convince Koenig to return to his body on Alpha. Sandra convinced him and Raan returned their essence back to Alpha. Koenig returned back to life just before Dr. Russel tried to turn off the machines that kept his body alive. ![]() ![]() ![]()
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The Alphans found a really strange and atrifical looking planet called Piri which doesn't seem to support human life. But an unknown force took control over the minds of the Alphans and lead them to execute operation exodus and live in eternal peace on Piri. It also moved the moon into a stable orbit around the planet. But the guardian of Piri couldn't convince John Koenig to follow his people. He stayed alone on his moonbase. While his crew began to slowly die on Piri, Koenig planned to destroy the Guardian in order to bring his crew back to reason.
As soon as the Guardian was destroyed, the Alphans realized that the whole planet was uninhabetable and the artifical structures begin to fall apart. With the moon no longer held by the guardian, it left orbit and continued it's journey. The crew returned to their Eagles and returned to the moonbase. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Working Titles:
Anton Zoref a technician on the moonbase came into contact with a strange, blue glowing entitiy. The strange force used his body to draw energy out if light and even life. When the first crewmembers died because of Zoref he was lured into a trap where the entity such an amount of energy, that it left the body of Zoref who died during the process. The alien lifeforce survived and left Alpha and returned to the stars.
No one knew what it was. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Working Titles:
A baby is born on Alpha. With joy the crew realized that the circle of life continues even here on the moonbase. But the child isn't normal. The boy growths in an abnormal speed into a five year old boy who at one time draws an advanced starship. Soon after, four starships of the same configuration approached the base.
But only day's later when the boy comes of age, he claimed to be an alien and Commander called Jarak. He was in command of the ships that are parked right above the base. Jarak explained that he and his people need to take over the bodies of all humans on the base to hide before their persuers. But Koenig tricks them out, and when their persuers appear they destroy Jarak and his followers. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Working Titles:
Aliens from the planet Ariel send a probe to an Eagle which was destined to land on their world. Later, more probes landed on the moon and changed it's surface to support human life. The Alphans left their moonbase whitout their spacesuits and began enjoying wheather like sunshine and rain.
But then the moon didn't move into the planets orbit. Soon after the probes left to return to Ariel and the moon began to leave the system. Even the new moons atmosphere vanished, leaving the alphans with their normal life in the hostile environment of space. ![]() ![]() ![]()
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When Alpha was in danger of being destroyed by some rogue asteroids, Alan Carter led a team to detonate the asteroids using space mines. During the operation his eagle couldn't reach the savety point before the asteroids were destroyed. Koenig took another eagle to begin a search for his comrade. He never expected to find him on an alien vessel, commanded ba Arra, a citizen from the planet Atheria. She convinced them that, even if the moon is on an collision course with her homeworld, both her world and the moon would survive the collision. Back on Alpha, they had their problems to convince the others from their stupid idea. When Koenig was released from duty, Paul Morrow took command an ordered another minefield to be placed between Alpha and the huge planet Atheria. The hope for survival were slim, but when Koenig and Carter escaped from sickbay they took command back by force to prevent the minefield from being detonated.
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Koenig, Helena, Bergman and Carter laned on the frozen planet of Ultima Thurle and find themselves lost in a blizzard.
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After Eagle 6 returned from an expedition to the planet Rehta there was no crew aboard. The only occupant of the vessel was a dead caveman.
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The moon crossed the path of an asteroid made out of an unknown composition. Inside the asteroid they found a man who was seriously wounded by an explosion and Dr. Russel determined his death. But soon after he returned to life. The alien named Balor explained that his people had a very advanced biological and medical science. They were even able to made themselves immortal. But their lives became boring and Balor claimed that he had new ideas to make life interesting again. Because of that he was banished to the asteroid. A prison he should never be able to escape. Later, with his power to influence humans, he made pilot Mike Baxter to attack Koenig. Baxter was killed in the attempt and Koenig was seriously injured. In a fight agains Balor, Koenig managed to trap him in an airlock and to blow him out to the moon surface. To prevent that the asteroid would be found by other aliens he ordered to destroy it with lasers. But unknown to the Alphans the asteroid reassembled itself.
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Working Titles:
Two planets were at war for a long time. Since they could never see each other because they were placed on the same orbit with the sun directly between them, their space vessels always looked for celestial objects to be used as a base for their attacks. Alpha got right into this war when the moon entered their system. Females from the planet Beta landed on the moon and immediately began missile-bombardement of their opponents from planet Delta. Delta in return directed it's missiles on the moon to destroy the Betan warship. Koenig and his crew suddenly found themselfes deep inside a war, they never wanted. Their only chance of survival was for Koenig to take side with one of the opponents. He had to destroy the Betan warship to keep the Deltans from bombarding the moon.
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A ghost appears throughout the base. Soon they found out that botanist Dan Mateo has something to do with that entity.
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AN unknown intelligence began communicating with Alpha. Since the decryption of the singal failed, Koenig send an Eagle to investigate the place where the signals originated. Soon after an asteroid crashed on Alpha and shocked the crew when they discovered human tissue and different metals inside. The Eagle must have been destroyed by an unknown force and transformed into this ball of steel. Alan and his co-pilot Kelly who were out to space in another eagle to look for the missing spaceship were recalled immediately. But it was too late for Kelly. During a space walk he got into contact with an alien conscoiusness that programmed him to do what's necessary to learn more about Alpha and the moon. The entity needed this knowledge to prepare itself for the collision with the moon and eventually how to destroy it.
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Working Titles:
Gwent, a strange spacecraft with it's only crew of one man landed near the moonbase. After first contact the living machine lured Koenig and Helena into it. Soon after they realized, that the man called the companion was about to die of old age. Gwent, that didn't wanted to be alone choose the humans as their new companions. It wanted to keep them save with it, even by force! Koenig had to teach ethic knowledge to a living machine so that he and Helena could return to their base freely.
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A SOS from a gigantic spacevessel was picked up. The S.S. Daria was a 20 miles long and 5 miles wide town in space.
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A member of the crew, Toni Cellini, began to see strange visions about his past and a strange space creature he discovered many years ago on a flight from earth to another planet. At that time he overruled John Koenig in becoming the commander of a spaceprobes first interstellar mission. Before they reached it's point of destination the spaceprobe discovered a strange starship graveyard in space. And when they docked at one of the ships an alien got on their ship. During the continuation of their voyage the alien began to kill the crew ine after another. Only Cellini survived, when he abandoned the main probe and left with only the command module. He returned savely to earth and soon after hired on moonbase Alpha as a pilot. Now the moon entered the domain of that creature and he had to face his the terrors of his past once more.
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The moon stops dead in space and Alpha experiences an unexpected power loss, which will render the base uninhabitable.
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Earth'n unmanned probe VOYAGER 1 approached the moon. Koenig and his crew knew that it's neutron based Queller-Drive was a killing machine. But Ernest Queller, the inventor of the drive lived on Alpha under a changed name. He urged Cmdr. Koenig to give him the chance to disable the drive and land the probe to retrieve it's collected data.
Queller succeeded but when they boarded VOYAGER an alien transmission from a Sidon task force claimed that the probe killed the population of two planets in their federation. Aarchon, the chief executioner of Sidon sentenced the Alphans to death. But before Alpha could be destroyed Queller hijacks the probe and destoyed the Sidon fleet and the probe with the Queller-drive. ![]() ![]()
Working Titles:
Soon after the discovery of a new planet which could be able of supporting human life, a fleet of earth build attack-ships suddenly appeared and set course for the moon. Koenig saw no choice but to destroy them before they reached the base. But that only caused more enemy vessels to appear. First they destroyed every mean of defense, then they began bombardement of the crippled moonbase.
To save his people, Koenig ordered the crew to leave the base and set course for the new world. When he and Helena reached the planet, they were confronted by a race that was advanced far beyond the human refugees. They were convinced, that the human intervention in their culture would destroy their race. A race without fear. The only way to save his crew from certain death was for Koenig to defeat his own fear of death. ![]()
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We learned a lot of things. But most of all, we learned... that we still have a lot to learn! Victor Bergman (War Games) |